Total Rain Weighing Sensor TRwS x2y Series

Model: TRwS x2y Series Make: MPS System

Key Highlights

    * TRwS is the most sensitive and very accurate rain gauge. * Measurand : Solid and liquid precipitation. * Sensor Type : Total Rain Weighing Sensor. * Signal Output : SDI12 / MODBUS / USB (service app) Bluetooth Low Energy (MPS system AiO app). * Supplied With : Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Precipitation Sensor

The Total Rain Weighing Sensor (TRwS) x2y Series is a type of sensor used to measure the amount of rainfall in a certain area. It works by using a weighing mechanism to measure the weight of the accumulated water, which is then converted into a measurement of the amount of rainfall. The x2y Series specifically refers to a particular model or line of TRwS sensors, which may have different features or specifications compared to other TRwS sensors. These sensors are widely used in meteorological and hydrological applications, as well as in agricultural and civil engineering projects.

TRwS is the most sensitive and accurate rain gauge. Simple mechanical construction combined with very sophisticated firmware can guarantee perfect performance. TRwS is available with collecting areas of 200 cm2, 400 cm2, and 500 cm2.

New features and improvements:

  • Ultra-low power consumption with SDI-12 1v4 and MODBUS support
  • 10 steps for measuring precipitation
  • Bluetooth Low Energy is supported.
  • extended set of precipitation meteorological data
  • Free smartphone application (Android and iOS) for comfortable work with the sensor

Main Features:

  • Measurements of solid and liquid precipitation, one-minute rain intensity, total sum of precipitation, rain duration
  • Elimination of wind vibration, particles, unreal step change of weight, evaporation, temperature fluctuation
  • Output signals: contact, RS-485, SDI-12
  • Easy maintenance
  • Evaluation and accuracy check “in situ”
  • Local and remote diagnostics
  • Autodiagnostic and self check
  • Orifice heating included
  • Direct replacement of tipping bucket rain gauge


  • Air temperature measurement
  • Rain detector
  • Wind speed assessment
  • Corrected data eliminating wind influence
  • Fulfills all the WMO recomendations

After the successful TRwS x14 and x15 series, the new TRwS x24 and x25 series come with many improvements. A weighing system with a precise electronic design is an excellent tool to measure all types of precipitation within a wide temperature range and harsh wind and snow conditions.


* Hydrology * Meteorology * Environment * Agriculture


* Measuring solid and liquid precipitation * No blocking * Minimal maintenance * High precision

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