TB4 Series II Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

Model: TB4 Series II Make: Hyquest Solution

Key Highlights

    * The base incorporates two water outlets at the bottom allowing for water collection and data veri?cation. * Measurand : Rainfall. * Sensor Type : Tipping Bucket Rain gauge. * Signal Output : Digital and Analog Output. * Supplied With : TB311/5 5 metre connecting lead, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Precipitation Sensor

HyQuest Solutions’ TB4 Series II is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall in urban and rural locations. Due to the integrated syphon, the gauge delivers high levels of accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities.

The TB4 Series II is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall in urban and rural locations. Due to the integrated siphon, the gauge delivers high levels of accuracy across a broad range of rainfall intensities. The tried and proven design of the TB4 Series II ensures long-term, accurate, and repeatable results. It is manufactured from high-quality, durable materials, ensuring long-term stability in the harshest of environments. It consists of a robust powder-coated aluminum enclosure, a UV-resistant ASA polymer base, a Teflon bucket, and stainless steel fasteners, and a finger filter.

TB4 Series II provides a finger filter that ensures the collector catch area remains unblocked when leaves, bird droppings, and other debris find their way into the catch. The base incorporates two water outlets at the bottom, allowing for water collection and data verification.

Maintenance of the TB4 Series II is easy because the removal of the outer enclosure and access to the tipping bucket mechanism and finger filter assembly are made easy with quick-release fasteners. The new, more spacious enclosure makes maintenance even easier.

TB4 Series II includes a dual output 24 V DC reed switch allowing for output redundancy or the addition of a second data logger.
The second output could also be used for connecting HyQuest Solutions’ Bluetooth pulse counter CMCbt paired with the free FCD application that allow for easy and accurate field calibration even in noisy (urban) environments. The reed switch incorporates varistor protection against surges that may be induced on long, inappropriately shielded signal cables.


* Classical Meteorology and Climatology * Hydrometeorology * Environmental, Hydrological and Air Quality Monitoring * Road Traffic Infrastructure * Water Treatment Plants, Dams, Reservoirs * Agrometeorology * Airports and Airfields * Water Resources Management


* Long-term stable calibration * Accuracy not affected by rainfall intensity * Minimal maintenance required * Robust design for all environments * Expandability

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