MP-180 I-V Tracer

Model: MP-180 Make: Eko

Key Highlights

    * Wide current range 10µA – 16A * Large voltage range 10mV – 20V * Switch function to control sun simulator light shutter * Trigger function for Flash simulator * Multichannel switcher

Category: IV Measurement

The wide input range (µA – A) of the MP-180 I-V Tracer makes it a unique all-around measurement device suitable to test all types and sizes of Photovoltaic cells. When combined with a pulsed or continuous sun simulator, I-V curve measurements can be fully automated using the built-in trigger function to synchronize with the flash or the sun simulator shutter control. The MP-180 is operated via a PC with software functions for visualizing data, managing data, and calculating specific cell parameters, e.g. Rs, Rsh, and other characteristic values.

Connecting with the optional switching units allows for the configuration of various measurement systems using multiple PV cells, pyranometers, thermocouples, and platinum resistance temperature sensors.


* It is the best solution for testing Photovoltaic cells. * Module characteristics in combination with a solar simulator or natural sunlight. * It can be found in factory quality control applications. * Long-term performance assessment studies of modules exposed to natural conditions outdoors.


* Wide current range 10µA – 16A * Large voltage range 10mV – 20V * Switch function to control sun simulator light shutter * Trigger function for Flash simulator * Multichannel switcher

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