Model: LI-19 | Make: Eko |
Category: Data Logger
Irradiance sensors and heat flux sensors are usually read out by data acquisition systems installed in the field or in the laboratory. However, in some projects fast and simple measurement with mobile manual read-out unit is preferred. This can be done with the LI-19 handheld read-out unit and datalogger unit. LI-19 has internal memory and can be configured to store measured data at required intervals. The unit can be connected to a PC via a USB cable to transfer the data or to serve as an amplifier of the sensor signal. Windows software is included.
LI-19 can be used with EKO analog irradiance sensors (pyranometers, LUX-meters, PAR sensors etc.) and heat flux sensors. The sensitivity value of the sensors can be setup via the software.
LI-19 is supplied with a carrying case with space for additional sensors, USB cable and batteries.
Data collection systems placed in the field or in the lab are often used to read the output from irradiance sensors and heat flux sensors. However, for some tasks, a transportable manual read-out machine for quick and straightforward measurement is recommended. The LI-19 portable read-out device and datalogger unit can be used for this. Internal memory on the LI-19 may be configured to retain measurable data at predefined intervals. To transport data or act as an amplifier for the sensor signal, the device may be linked to a PC using a USB cable. The program is Windows-based.
The LI-19 may be used with EKO heat flux sensors and analog irradiance sensors (pyranometers, LUX meters, PAR sensors, etc.). The program may be used to adjust the sensors’ sensitivity value. A carrying case with room for extra sensors, a USB cable, and batteries are included with the LI-19.