MP-165 I-V Tracer

Model: MP-165 Make: Eko

Key Highlights

    * PV modules up to 3000W / 20A * Auto measurement schedule * Advanced PC control software and data analysis * Expand to 48 module and temperature channels

Category: IV Measurement

Electronic Load Method I-V Curve Tracer MP-165 is a next-generation I-V curve tracer that is capable of measuring a wide range of PV device characteristics from small to large capacity. It is capable of taking samplings of voltage, current, and solar irradiance at the same time; it is also simple to take measurements with an artificial light source (sequential illumination). Connecting the MP-165 to a computer by using an RS-232C connector allows for the measured data to be graphically displayed.

The MP-165 I-V tracer is the optimum solution for testing individual solar cell or module characteristics in combination with a solar simulator or natural sunlight. It can be found in factory quality control applications or long-term performance assessment studies of modules exposed to natural conditions outdoors. The cell or module performance characteristics are determined by changing the electrical load during the I-V sweep. In order to calculate to Standard Test Conditions (STC) or equivalent standards, the radiant energy on the module can be measured concurrently with the voltage and current measurements.


* It is the best solution for testing individual solar cells. * Module characteristics in combination with a solar simulator or natural sunlight. * It can be found in factory quality control applications. * Long term performance assessment studies of modules exposed to natural conditions outdoors.


* Auto measurement schedule * Advanced PC control software and data analysis * Expand to 48 module and temperature channels

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