SK 16 Pyrano - Albedometer


Key Highlights

    *The SK 16 Pyrano-Albedometer is an instrument designed for measuring solar radiation. Specifically, it measures both direct and diffuse solar radiation. *Measurand: Solar Radiation *Sensor Type : Thermopile. *Standards & Classifications: ISO9060:2018 Class B. *Signal Output: RS-232, RS-485, MODBUS, SDI-12 *Supplied With: Calibration Certificate

Category: Albedometer

The Middleton Solar SK16 Pyrano-Albedometer is a dual head sensor based on the detector elements of the SK08 Class B Pyranometer. It is for the measurement of the ratio of upward to downward solar radiation flux density on a plane surface. The SK16 has two separate microvolt outputs. The SK16-E has millivolt outputs.

Pyranometer Function: The SK 16 is equipped to measure solar radiation. Pyranometers detect and quantify the amount of solar energy received from the sun, which is crucial for understanding solar power potential and for various environmental and meteorological studies.

Dual Functionality: The SK 16 combines two functions into one device—measuring direct solar radiation (pyranometer function) and reflecting radiation (albedometer function). This dual capability allows for comprehensive solar energy assessments and surface reflectivity studies.



*Climatology. * Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). * Agriculture. * Environmental Research.


*Robust Housing. *Accurate & Reliable. *Easy to set up. *Quick to install.

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