Relative Humidity Sensor


Key Highlights

    *The SEVEN Relative Humidity Sensor is specifically designed to measure relative humidity and ambient temperature, with an optional pressure measurement feature. *Measurand: Relative Humidity Sensor *Sensor Type: Capacitive or Resistive *Signal Output: Analog (e.g., 0-10V or 4-20mA) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, documentation

Category: Temperature Sensor

elative Humidity (RH) sensors measure the amount of water vapor present in the air, expressed as a percentage relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature. RH sensors can be combined with additional environmental measurements, such as Air Temperature (AT) or Pressure (PS), to provide more comprehensive data. These sensors are commonly used in various industrial, environmental, and scientific applications.

RH&AT (Relative Humidity and Air Temperature) Sensors:

These sensors measure both relative humidity and air temperature. Often integrated into a single device, they provide real-time data on the moisture level in the air as well as the temperature.

  • RH&AT Sensors are perfect for applications where temperature and humidity are the primary environmental parameters of interest, such as HVAC systems, agriculture, and environmental monitoring. They provide the essential data for controlling indoor climates and ensuring optimal conditions for various processes.
  • RH/AT/PS Sensors are ideal when a more detailed understanding of environmental conditions is required, such as in meteorology, scientific research, and industrial applications where pressure plays a significant role in environmental stability and process control.


*HVAC Systems *Climate Control *Weather Stations *Environmental Monitoring *Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring *Industrial Process Control *Scientific Research


*Dual Measurement *High Accuracy *Compact Design *Analog or Digital Output *Fast Response Time *Triple Measurement *High Sensitivity *Accurate and Reliable *Wide Operating Range *Multi-Output Options

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