MT-052-T Temperature Sensor

Model: MT-052-T Make: EKO

Key Highlights

    *The MT-052-T is optimised to measure air temperature under all environmental conditions, with an integrated T-type thermocouple temperature sensor, outstanding durability and accuracy. *Measurand: Temperature *Sensor Type: Thermistor *Signal Output: Analog *Supplied With: Sensor, User Manual

Category: Temperature Sensor

A temperature sensor like the MT-052-T is a device designed to measure the temperature of its environment and convert that temperature into an electrical signal that can be read by a microcontroller, computer, or other monitoring system.

The MT-052-T Temperature Sensor has an integrated T-type thermocouple (copper-constantan) sensor. It includes a radiation shield of x10 plastic plates and a metal arm and clamp for mounting to any pole.

The passive shield is shaped to allow natural air convection around the sensor while minimising direct exposure to sunlight from all directions, so the air temperature inside the shield is a good representation of the outside air. The shield also protects from rain and other weather conditions.

The MT-052-T Temperature Sensor is a device designed to measure temperature through a thermistor and output an analog signal (voltage or resistance) that corresponds to the temperature. It's widely used in various applications where precise and continuous temperature monitoring is required. When integrated with a measurement system, the sensor helps ensure that systems stay within the correct temperature range to avoid damage or maintain optimal performance.


*Industrial Monitoring *HVAC Systems *Consumer Electronics *Automotive *Scientific Research


*Accuracy *Temperature Range *Response Time *Power Consumption *Durability *Easy Integration *Cost-Effective *Calibration

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