LPNET07 – Net Irradiance Meter

Model: LPNET07 Make: Delta Ohm

Key Highlights

    * LPNET07 measures the net radiation across a surface, from near ultraviolet to far infrared. * Measurand : Net radiation. * Sensor Type : Thermopile sensor. * Signal Output : Analog (mV). * Supplied with : 5 m cable, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Net Radiometer

LPNET07 measures the net radiation across a surface, from near ultraviolet to far infrared. Net radiation is defined as the difference between the radiation that reaches the upper surface and the irradiation on the lower surface of the net radiometer. The upper receiving area measures direct solar radiation plus diffuse radiation and radiation at longer wavelengths emitted from the sky (clouds), while the lower receiving area measures solar radiation reflected from the ground (albedo) and radiation length wavelengths emitted from the earth. The instrument is designed and constructed to be used outdoors in any weather conditions.

Besides its use in meteorology to measure energy balance, the LPNET07 can be used indoors for the measurement of radiant temperature (ISO 7726).

Working Principle:

The net radiometer LPNET07 is based on a thermopile sensor whose warm joints are in thermal contact with the receiver while the upper cool joints are in thermal contact with the lower receiver. The temperature difference between the two receivers is proportional to the net irradiation. The temperature difference between hot and cold junctions is converted into a voltage by the Seebeck effect. The two receivers are made from a portion of spherically coated PTFE. The particular form of the two receivers provides a response in accordance with the cosine. The PTFE coating, as well as allowing outdoor installation for long periods without risk of damage, can have a constant spectral response from ultraviolet (200 nm) up to far infrared(100 µm).

Electrical Connections and requirements for electronic reading:

  • LPNET07 does not require any power supply.
  • It is available with a 5 m output cable
  • It is supplied with a PTFE, UV resistant, braided shield and 2-wire cable.

The colour code is as follows:

  • black (shield) —> connected to the housing
  • red —> (+) positive pole of the signal generated by the detector
  • blue —> (-) negative pole of the signal generated by the detector
  • It has to be connected to a millivoltmeter or to a data acquisition system with input impedance higher than 4000?. Normally, the output signal from the net radiometer does not exceed ±20 mV. In order to grant the best performances in measurements, the instrument resolution should be of 1µV.


* Solar PV Plant * Climate change monitoring * Weather Research * Measurement of energy balance * Measurement of radiant temperature (ISO 7726)


* LPNET07 does not require any power supply * It is available with a 5 m output cable

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