X-LAS MkI Upgrade

Model: X-LAS Make: Kipp&Zonen

Key Highlights

    *Measurand: Light Intensity *Sensor Type: Scintillation Detector *Signal Output: Analog/Digital Output *Supplied With: Power Supply, User Manual, Software

Category: Scintillometers

To improve existing X-LAS MkI instruments (produced between 2004 and 2011) for customers, there is an upgrade service available which converts it into a X-LAS MkII with all the benefits of the new version, whilst retaining the original housing and mounting.  The upgraded functionality includes digital electronics with an internal microprocessor and flash storage, integral display and keypad. A more powerful LED and the improved internal optics and electronics increase the maximum range to approximately 12 km.


*Easy configuration and operation *Low maintenance *Real-time data display *Analogue and digital output *Direct PC connection *Accurate time from GPS


*Stand-alone operation *Range 1 to 12 km *Built-in data logger *Built-in data processing *GPS

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