Wireless MeteoRain™ IoT Compact

Model: MeteoRain IoT Compac Make: Barani Design

Key Highlights

    * Self-balancing, self-emptying magnetic tipping bucket technology to ensure uninterrupted measurement of precipitation regardless of amount and intensity. * Measurand : Rain amount, Rain intensity. * Sensor Type : Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge. * Signal Output: Wireless / Magnetic reed switch output. * Supplied With : Universal pole & wall mount included, Bird protection spikes, Leaf/debris fence, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Precipitation Sensor

Wireless MeteoRain TM IoT Compact features a self-balancing measuring mechanism with very high measurement repeatability and accuracy, even in high rain rates. highly resistant to soiling of the internal measuring mechanism, mechanical friction, and residual water remaining in the measuring spoon from the last rain event. Additionally, MeteoRain® offers high resistance to vibrations and non-level mounting.

Notable features include:

  • Rain amount and intensity are measured, and a frost warning is issued at 2°C.
  • No solar panel is required.
  • 4+ years of battery life with a 10-minute sending interval of data when it’s raining
  • Robust stainless steel mount with multiple mounting options
  • Simple and highly reliable measuring principles and electronics
  • With a removable funnel, it is simple to maintain and clean.sieve/sift
  • Robust and impact-resistant funnel and housing
  • The effect of non-level mounting is minimized with this self-balancing design.
  • Easy adjustment and recalibration of the internal measuring mechanism
  • High-speed (0.13 s) self-emptying mechanism for high precipitation rate accuracy
  • High-dynamic range up to 10 mm/minute (50 tips/minute) rain rates
  • Bird spikes are available. Leaf fencing is not required due to the self-cleaning funnel.
  • Low-profile funnel for easy cleaning with a sharp edge for accuracy.

Magnetic tipping bucket technology that self-balances and self-empties to ensure continuous measurement of precipitation regardless of amount or intensity.
It measures rain by means of a standardized orifice funnel that collects water into the precision measuring mechanism. The mechanism offers a more consistent long-term response than standard tipping-bucket rain gauges and is accurate even at high rain rates.

Rain gauges are individually tested and use high quality sealed reed switches. Electronics are protected against salt spray, water, frost and heat by a weather-?resistant coating.


* Agriculture * Coastal * Hydrology * Industrial & PLC * Meteorology * Smart cities & IoT * Solar Power Plants


* Weather resistant * Robust and simple to maintain with reliabl * Ultra-low power reed switch operation. * ISO:9001 quality

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