Wind Direction Sensor


Key Highlights

    *The Wind Direction Sensor is a professional meteorological device designed to measure horizontal wind direction. *Measurand: Wind Direction Sensor *Sensor Type: Vane-Driven Hall Effect Position Sensor *Signal Output: Analog or Digital (e.g., 0-360° or 4-20mA) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, documentation

Category: Wind Speed & Direction

A wind direction sensor typically uses a vane-driven mechanism to detect the direction from which the wind is blowing. The Hall effect position sensor is a type of sensor that is often used in such wind direction sensors to provide precise angular position data. This combination allows for accurate measurement and reporting of wind direction, which is essential for various applications in weather forecasting, renewable energy, and environmental monitoring.

How It Works:

  1. Vane-Driven Mechanism:
    • A wind vane is a rotating device that aligns with the wind direction. The vane is typically mounted on a pivot point and turns to point in the direction from which the wind is blowing.
    • As the wind causes the vane to rotate, the angle of rotation corresponds to the wind direction. The vane mechanism can be designed in various forms, but the basic principle is to use the wind's force to rotate the vane.
  2. Hall Effect Position Sensor:
    • A Hall effect sensor is a type of transducer that produces an output voltage when it detects a magnetic field. The Hall effect is the result of current flowing through a conductor that is placed in a magnetic field; the interaction between the magnetic field and the current causes a voltage (the Hall voltage) perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the current.
    • In a vane-driven wind direction sensor, a magnet is often attached to the rotating vane or the shaft that connects to it. As the vane rotates, the magnet moves past the Hall effect sensor, which detects the changing magnetic field.
    • The Hall effect sensor generates an electrical signal that corresponds to the angular position of the vane, and this signal is then processed and converted into a wind direction reading.
  3. Signal Output:
    • The signal from the Hall effect sensor is typically in the form of digital pulses or analog voltage that represents the angle of the vane and thus the wind direction.
    • The sensor’s output can be processed by a microcontroller, a data logger, or a control system to display the wind direction, typically in degrees (0° to 360°).


*Weather Stations and Meteorology *Renewable Energy (Wind Turbines) *Environmental Monitoring and Pollution Studies *Aviation *Marine Applications (Ships and Offshore Platforms) *Military and Defense *Agriculture *Smart Cities and Urban Planning


*High Accuracy and Precision *Low Power Consumption *Durability and Weather Resistance *Digital and Analog Outputs *Compact and Lightweight *Continuous Measurement *Low Maintenance *Customizable Output Range

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