Wind Direction Sensor With Analog Output


Key Highlights

    *The Wind Direction Sensor is is a professional meteorological sensor used to measure horizontal wind direction. *Measurand : Wind Direction Sensor *Sensor Type: Vane-Driven or Hall Effect *Signal Output: Analog (e.g., 0-360° or 4-20mA) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, documentation

Category: Wind Speed & Direction

A wind direction sensor with analog output is a device that measures the direction from which the wind is blowing and provides an output in the form of a continuous analog signal, typically a voltage or current that is proportional to the wind's direction. These sensors are often based on a rotating vane or similar mechanism, which is aligned with the wind, and they convert this mechanical motion into an electrical signal that can be interpreted by other devices like microcontrollers, data loggers, or monitoring systems.

How It Works:

  • Wind Vane Mechanism: The sensor typically uses a vane or pointer that is mounted on a pivot. This vane aligns itself with the direction of the wind and rotates accordingly. As the vane moves, it adjusts the position of a sensor or potentiometer, which converts the angular position into an electrical signal.
  • Analog Signal Output: The sensor’s output is generally in the form of a voltage (usually 0-5V, 0-10V) or current (4-20 mA) signal. The direction of the wind is mapped to a corresponding output value within the range of the sensor. For example, a 0-360° range for wind direction may correspond to a 0-5V output, where 0V might represent 0° (north) and 5V represents 360° (north again, after completing a full circle)



*Weather Stations *Renewable Energy (Wind Turbines) *Industrial Automation and HVAC Systems *Agriculture and Greenhouses *Marine and Offshore Platforms *Aviation (Airports and Aircraft) *Smart Cities *Military and Defense


*Continuous Analog Output *Wide Output Range *High Accuracy and Precision *Weather Resistance and Durability

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