SWS-100 Visibility Sensor

Model: SWS-100 Make: BIRAL

Key Highlights

    *The SWS-100 is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements. *Measurand: Visibility (distance) *Sensor Type: Forward-scattering optical *Signal Output: Analog (4-20 mA) / Digital (RS-485, Modbus) *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, power supply, user manual

Category: Visibility Sensors

The SWS-100 is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required alongside basic present weather measurements. The forward scatter measurement principle and unique design ensure the output is both accurate and reliable in all weather conditions and will not be influenced by local lights sources, even those that flash.

The availability of digital, analogue and switching relay outputs provides the flexibility to connect to a wide range of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), computer systems or local warning devices.

The unique ability to switch equipment using two fog relays and/or a precipitation relay is a feature of the SWS-100 sensor. For example; you can set the relays to automatically switch a speed reduction sign when the visibility is below 100 meters and then switch an additional ‘danger of aquaplaning’ alert when rains starts.


*Meteorological Stations *Aviation (Airports) *Road Traffic Management *Environmental Monitoring *Marine Navigation


*10m to 99.99km measurement range (other ranges available) *Compact forward scatter design *Hood heating for use in extreme environments *Window heating and contamination monitoring *Analogue voltage and relay outputs *Optional analogue current output *Comprehensive self-test capabilities *Serial data output (RS232, RS422 or RS485)

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