SUV5 Total UV Radiometer

Model: SUV5 Make: KippZonen

Key Highlights

    *The SUV5 Total UV Radiometer is an advanced instrument designed to measure total UV radiation in the 200 nm to 400 nm wavelength range, which includes both UV-A and UV-B radiation. *Measurand: Total UV radiation *Sensor Type: Photodiode (UV sensor) *Signal Output: Analog or digital *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, cables, documentation

Category: UV Sensor

SUV5 is a Smart version of the CUV5 with digital signal processing. The accurate polynomial temperature correction and linearization make it ideal for monitoring high intensity UV lamps used in environmental test chambers. 

Specific parts of the UV spectrum such as UVA, UVB or UVE / UV Index cannot be derived from the SUV5 measurements. For measurement of these individual parameters our specific SUV models are required. 

SUV5 has a RS-485 interface with Modbus® RTU communication protocol and an amplified analog signal output. It can operate from 5 to 30 VDC and takes little power. The calibrated sensitivity is stored in the SUV memory so that the digital data is directly in W/m2 and the analog output range is standardized.  SUV’s can be interchanged and no changes have to be made in the data logger or data acquisition system after recalibration. 

Use our free SmartExplorer Windows™ software for display of data , data logging, to a PC and for changing Modbus® address and communication settings. 

SUV5 is compatible with the same accessories as our SMP range of pyranometers.


*Environmental Monitoring *Solar Energy *Meteorology and Weather Forecasting *Laboratory and Research Studies *Material Testing and Monitoring *Space and Atmospheric Research


*For monitoring of Total UV irradiance *Linearized for high intensity UV lamps *Internal temperature correction *No change of desiccant for 10 years *RS-485 Modbus® RTU digital output *0 to 1 V analog output *5 year warranty

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