Sunshine Recorder

Model: Sun-Shine Make: Virtual Hydromet

Key Highlights

    *A Sunshine Recorder is an instrument used to measure and record the amount of sunshine or solar radiation that reaches the Earth's surface. *Measurand: Sunshine duration or solar radiation *Sensor Type: Pyranometer or a type of photosensitive sensor (e.g., light-dependent resistor) *Signal Output: Analog (typically in terms of light intensity) or mechanical (e.g., chart recorder) *Supplied With: Sunshine recorder chart, mounting accessories, user manual

Category: Sunshine Recorder

Sunshine recorders are designed to quantify the duration of sunlight, typically in terms of sunshine hours per day. The traditional device used to record sunshine hours relies on a heliograph or solar radiation sensor. The most well-known type of sunshine recorder is the Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder, but modern versions often use photovoltaic cells or other light sensors.

  • The Campbell-Stokes Sunshine Recorder is a classic example. It uses a glass sphere (or optical lens) to focus sunlight onto a recording chart or thermo-sensitive paper.
  • The sunlight passing through the sphere focuses on the paper, and as the sun moves across the sky, the sunbeam burns a trace on the paper, showing the duration of sunlight.
  • The recorder burns a mark proportional to the intensity of the sunlight. The longer the sunbeam is concentrated, the longer the trace is, representing hours of sunshine.
  • Modern versions of sunshine recorders often use photodiodes or photovoltaic cells to measure the intensity of sunlight and calculate sunshine hours based on the intensity and duration of the light.
  • These digital systems can record solar radiation intensity in units like watts per square meter (W/m²) and transmit data to a central station or database for analysis.


*Meteorology and Climatology: *Solar Energy *Agriculture *Building *Architecture


*Operating Temperature and Environment *Long-Term Data *Recording Method *Power Requirements:

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