ST-150 Thermistor Temperature Sensor

Model: ST-150 Make: Apogee

Key Highlights

    *The ST-150 Thermistor Temperature Sensor is similar to the ST-100 but may offer enhanced features or specifications. *Measurand : Temperature *Sensor Type : Thermistor (typically NTC - Negative Temperature Coefficient) *Signal Output : Available in both analog (voltage or current) and digital formats (e.g., PWM, I²C, or RS-485) *Supplied With : Calibration certificate Connection cables

Category: Temperature Sensor

The ST-150 is a 1/8 inch, Class A PRT with an IP67 rating. White heat shrink is used on the cable behind the PRT to minimize heat transfer to the sensor. PRT sheath dimensions are 3.18 mm diameter and 57.15 mm length, minimizing thermal mass.

The ST-150 is an excellent choice for applications demanding precise temperature measurements and reliable performance. If you have specific questions or need further information about this sensor. The versatility of the ST-150 makes it suitable for any application that requires accurate temperature measurement and control.


*HVAC Systems *Environmental Monitoring *Industrial Processes *Home Automation


*Fast Response Time: Ideal for dynamic temperature monitoring. *Compact Design: Suitable for integration into small spaces. *Wide Compatibility: Works with many data acquisition systems

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