SS-432-SS RED - FAR-RED Sensors

Model: SS-432-SS Make: Apogee

Key Highlights

    *The SS-432-SS Red - Far-Red Sensors are widely used in various applications, particularly in plant science and environmental monitoring. *Measurand : Red Light-Far-Red Light Spectrum *Sensor Type : Photodiode Sensor, Multi-Spectral Sensor *Signal Output : SPI for easy integration with data collection systems. *Supplied With : Mounting Hardware, Calibration Certificate.

Category: PAR Sensors

Apogee Red - Far-Red sensors combine two photodetectors designed to measure wavelength ranges and peaks that approximate phytochrome absorption. The red / far-red ratio can be calculated from these measurements. Red and far-red wavelengths are of particular interest because they influence photosynthetic and morphogenic activity. Phytochrome pigments sensitive to varying ratios of red and far-red light provide information to the plant about its light environment.

The SS-432-SS Red - Far-Red Sensors are designed to measure light in the red and far-red wavelengths, making them valuable tools for various applications in plant research and environmental monitoring.



*Climate Change Research *Remote Sensing *Horticultural Practices *Ecological Monitoring *Agricultural Research


*Wavelength Sensitivity *Analog and Digital Outputs *Calibration Certificate *Compact Design *Low Power Consumption

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