SRA300-D1 Albedometer

Model: SRA300-D1 Make: HukseFlux

Key Highlights

    *The SRA300-D1 albedometer is a device used for measuring albedo, which is the ratio of reflected sunlight to incident sunlight. *Measurand: Albedo (reflectivity) *Sensor Type: Photodiode (or similar) *Signal Output: Analog (0-5V) / Digital (RS485) *Supplied With: 12-24V DC

Category: Albedometer

SRA300-D1 consists of two identical pyranometer models SR300-D1, one facing up, one facing down. SR300-D1 complies with – Industrial-grade – Immunity, Emission, Electrical, Environmental and Safety requirements for use in these outdoor and industrial environments, greatly improving measurement reliability. Ease of operation is further enhanced through extended functionality and diagnostics.  

SR300-D1 is intended for deployment where the highest measurement reliability and accuracy are required. Most importantly, it is heated to mitigate dew and frost, and has an on-board tilt sensor. SR300-D1 is tested and classified for Industrial Environments according to IEC 61326-1 and IEC 61000-6-2. When designing a measuring system, pyranometer users may reach several levels of immunity. With the optional Surge Protection Device SPD01 this immunity can be increased to 4 kV.


*Climate and Atmospheric Research *Solar Energy Applications *Agricultural and Forestry Monitoring *Environmental and Ecological Studies *Remote Sensing Calibration *Urban Heat Island Studies *Glaciology and Snow Studies


*High Precision and Accuracy *Dual Sensor Design *Wide Measurement Range *Compact and Weatherproof *Digital and Analog Outputs *Low Power Consumption *Real-time Data Logging *Easy Installation and Calibration *Robust Design for Harsh Environments: *Compatibility with Other Instruments: *Data Output with Albedo Computation:

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