SE-215-SS Lux Photometric Sensor

Model: SE-215-SS Make: Apogee

Key Highlights

    *The SE-215-SS Lux Photometric Sensor is designed to measure light intensity in various environments. *Measurand : Temperature *Sensor Type : Thermistor *Signal Output : Options analog output (voltage or current) *Supplied With : Calibration certificate

Category: Lux Sensor

Apogee photometric sensors use a photodetector with a spectral response that closely matches the sensitivity of the human eye to light; sensors include a diffuser to properly weight light incident from any angle. Apogee photometric sensors provide highly accurate illuminance measurements (lux or footcandles) at an affordable price

The SE-215-SS Lux Photometric Sensor is a versatile and essential tool for measuring light intensity, catering to a wide range of industries and applications. Its accuracy, durability, and ease of integration make it a preferred choice for professionals seeking reliable light measurement solutions.

Apogee SE photometric sensors are calibrated through side-by-side comparison to the mean of two transfer standard sensors under a reference lamp. The reference sensors are verified with a quartz halogen lamp traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).


*Building Automation *Agricultural Monitoring *Environmental Monitoring *Compact and Lightweight *Flexible Output Options


*High Sensitivity *Accurate Measurement *Durable Construction *Fast Response Time *Safety and Security

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