RSR-01 Shading Ring

Model: RSR-01 Make: EKO

Key Highlights

    *Get all-environment diffuse radiation measurements virtually anywhere on earth with the RSR-01 Radiometer Ring and any EKO MS or S-Series pyranometer. *Measurand: Light Intensity *Sensor Type: Optical (Shading) *Signal Output: None (Passive) *Supplied With: Shading Ring, Mounting Hardware

Category: Shadow Ring

The RSR-01 Shading Ring is an accessory used in conjunction with light measurement sensors, such as pyranometers or radiometers, to improve the accuracy of solar radiation measurements. It serves to modify the amount of sunlight reaching the sensor, specifically by shading or blocking direct sunlight in certain directions. This is useful for ensuring that only diffuse solar radiation (i.e., the scattered sunlight from the sky) is measured, not the direct sunlight, which can cause inaccurate readings in some environmental monitoring applications.

The RSR-01 Shading Ring is a passive optical accessory designed to improve the accuracy of light and solar radiation sensors by blocking direct sunlight and allowing only diffuse radiation to be measured. It’s commonly used in environmental, meteorological, and solar energy applications where precise measurements of sunlight are required. It doesn't produce any signal output but works in conjunction with light sensors, such as pyranometers, to ensure accurate data collection.


*Meteorology & Climate Studies *Solar Energy *Agriculture *Environmental Monitoring


*Passive Optical Accessory *Adjustable Design *Durable Construction *Mounting Compatibility *No Signal Output

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