Model: RG-11 | Make: Hydreon |
Category: Precipitation Sensor
The RG-11 Rain Gauge senses water hitting its outside surface using beams of infrared light. It uses the same sensing principle used in millions of automotive rain sensing windshield wiper controls.
The RG-11 is optical – not mechanical, chemical, or conductive. Consequently, it is far more rugged, sensitive and reliable than any other technology. The sensor is extremely sensitive, and virtually immune to false trips. Yet, it is completely unaffected by jostling and motion. There are no exposed conductors to corrode, and no openings for bugs to crawl into. There is no place for leaves or other debris to collect.
The RG-11 Rain Sensor includes a DIP switch that allows it to be set up for the mode of operation that best matches the application.
The RG-11 Rain Gauge is a maintenance-free optical rain sensor that can be used for a wide variety of rainfall monitoring and control applications. The rain gauge senses water hitting its outside surface using beams of infrared light, which is the same sensing principle used in millions of automotive rain-sensing windshield wiper controls. The complete sensor package is about the size of a tennis ball and completely sealed from the environment.
The optical sensing technology overcomes many of the shortcomings of conventional tipping bucket rain gauges. The sensor works in mobile environments; there is no collecting funnel to clog with leaves, and the round shape makes it essentially self-cleaning. While the sensor is not as accurate as a tipping bucket rain gauge, the low cost and compact size of the RG-11 make it ideal for wet weather notification systems or remote rain gauges where periodic maintenance is not possible.
The RG-11 includes a DIP switch that allows it to be set for the mode of operation that best matches the application. Select from the following modes: