Model: RaZON+ Make: KippZonen

Key Highlights

    *RaZON+ is an advanced system that precisely measures DNI, DHI, GHI, and sunshine duration for accurate solar irradiance data. *Measurand: Solar Radiation *Sensor Type: Pyranometer *Standards & Classifications: ISO 9060, IEC 61724 *Signal Output: Analog/Digital *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, cables, manual

Category: Solar Monitoring System

RaZON+ is an all-in-one system that accurately measures both direct normal irradiance (DNI) and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) from the sun and sky, enabling it to provide very reliable values of global horizontal solar irradiance (GHI) and sunshine duration.

The integrated data logger presents the irradiance measurements in W/m2, sunshine duration in hours and energy in kWh/m2 (kilowatt-hours per square meter).

RaZON+ includes two Smart irradiance sensors; a pyrheliometer (PH1) to measure DNI and a shaded pyranometer (PR1) to measure DHI. The innovative features of the pyrheliometer minimize the effects of soiling when operated unattended in remote locations, without compromising the high accuracy of the instrument. Both the pyrheliometer and pyranometer are based on quartz diffuser technology.


N+ measures DNI and DHI and calculates GHI, as this minimizes uncertainty in the pyranometer readings and provides a more accurate and reliable measurement than using an unshaded pyranometer to measure GHI.


*Solar Power Generation *Climate and Weather Studies *Building Design & Energy Management *Renewable Energy Research


*New and innovative sensor technology *Resistant to soiling *Internal data logging with web access *Extremely low maintenance

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