Rain Gauge with Pulse Output


Key Highlights

    *SEVEN Rain Gauge is designed to accurately measure the rainfall with a collection area of 200 cm² using the reed relay with the principle of tipping buckets. *Measurand: Rainfall (mm or in) *Sensor Type: Tipping Bucket or Optical *Signal Output: Pulse Output (e.g., count per mm of rain) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, user manual, cables

Category: Precipitation Sensor

A rain gauge with pulse output is a type of rain measurement instrument designed to measure the amount of rainfall and generate an electrical signal that corresponds to the amount of precipitation. This pulse output can then be used by data loggers, controllers, or monitoring systems to track rainfall events over time.

A rain gauge with pulse output is a type of rain measurement device designed to provide data about rainfall levels in a way that can be easily interfaced with data loggers, controllers, or other monitoring systems.


  • Easy Integration: Pulse outputs are simple to integrate with automated systems, making them ideal for remote monitoring.
  • Accuracy: Since each pulse corresponds to a fixed amount of rain, the system provides accurate, quantifiable data.
  • Low Power: Pulse output systems typically consume very little power, making them suitable for battery-powered and off-grid installations.


*Weather Monitoring Stations *Agriculture *Flood Monitoring *Hydrological Studies *Environmental Monitoring *Smart Cities


*Pulse Output *High Accuracy *Wide Measurement Range *Durability *Easy Integration *Low Power Consumption *Maintenance-Free *Compact Design

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