Rain Gauge with Modbus RTU Output


Key Highlights

    *SEVEN Rain Gauge is designed to accurately measure the rainfall with a collection area of 200 cm² using the reed relay with the principle of tipping buckets. *Measurand: Rainfall (mm or in) *Sensor Type: Tipping Bucket or Optical *Signal Output: Modbus RTU (RS-485) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, user manual, cables

Category: Precipitation Sensor

A rain gauge with Modbus RTU output is a type of digital rain gauge that provides rainfall data through the Modbus RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) communication protocol. Modbus RTU is a widely used industrial communication standard that enables easy integration with automation systems, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers), SCADA systems, and other monitoring and control systems.

Advantages of Rain Gauges with Modbus RTU Output:

  • Interoperability: Modbus RTU is a standardized protocol widely used in industrial and automation systems, making these rain gauges easy to integrate with existing infrastructure.
  • Remote Monitoring: Enables remote data collection, reducing the need for manual intervention and increasing efficiency in monitoring systems.
  • Accuracy and Reliability: Modbus RTU ensures reliable and precise communication, providing accurate rainfall data for decision-making.
  • Scalability: Multiple rain gauges can be easily connected to a Modbus network, making it suitable for large-scale installations, such as regional weather monitoring or industrial sites.

A rain gauge with Modbus RTU output offers a robust, digital solution for measuring and transmitting rainfall data. By utilizing the Modbus RTU protocol, these rain gauges ensure reliable, real-time data transmission to monitoring systems, making them an ideal choice for applications in weather monitoring, agriculture, flood control, and industrial automation.


*Weather Monitoring Stations *Flood Warning Systems *Agriculture: *Hydrological Monitoring *Environmental Research *Smart Cities and Infrastructure


*Modbus RTU Output (RS-485) *High Accuracy *Wide Measurement Range *Durability and Weather Resistance *Long-Distance Communication *Low Power Consumption *Maintenance-Free *Easy Integration

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