PTB110 Barometer

Model: PTB110 Make: Vaisala

Key Highlights

    * Vaisala BAROCAP Barometer PTB110 is designed both for accurate barometric pressure measurements at room temperature and for general environmental pressure monitoring over a wide temperature range. * Measurand: Barometric pressure * Sensor Type: Silicon capacitive absolute pressure sensor * Signal Ouitput: Analog (0 … 5 VDC) * Supplied With: Electrical connector (AWG 28 … 16)

Category: Barometric Pressure

The Vaisala BAROCAP® Barometer PTB110 is intended for use in both general ambient pressure monitoring over a wide temperature range and reliable barometric pressure readings at room temperature. The small PTB110 is appropriate for uses in hydrology, agriculture, data buoys, laser interferometers, and environmental pressure monitoring. The barometer is especially perfect for various data logger applications because of its extremely low power consumption.


* Environmental pressure monitoring * Data buoys * Laser interferometers, * Agriculture * Hydrology * ideal for data logger applications as it has low power consumption


* Accuracy ±0.3 hPa at +20 °C * Several pressure ranges * Long-term stability * On/Off control with external trigger * Output voltage 0 … 2.5 or 0 … 5 VDC * Current consumption less than 4 mA * Mountable on 35 mm wide DIN rail * Traceable calibration (certificate included)

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