Model: PSR-01 | Make: Schelt Technology |
Category: Shadow Ring
Shadow Ring Site Selection
It is recommended that the Shadow Ring be installed in an easily accessible location so that routine cleaning of the pyranometer dome and mechanical readjustment can be performed at least every two days. The installation site should be free from local obstructions (e.g. buildings, trees, and towers) that exceed the horizontal plane of the pyranometer. If this is not possible, select an installation site where local obstructions do not exceed 5 degrees of elevation within the path of the daily solar course at sunrise and sunset conditions. This is critical when using a second, non-shaded global pyranometer to calculate the direct solar disc component in conjunction with the mounted shaded or diffuse pyranometer measurement. Care must be taken to avoid local structures that may cast shadows or generate increased solar reflectivity effects at certain times of the day. It is critical to mount on a stable mounting surface to ensure that the shadow ring and pyranometer remain as perfectly level as possible throughout the field measurement campaign.
Shadow Ring Positioning & Adjustment
The shading geometry of the Shadow Ring, when properly installed and adjusted, obstructs the daily direct solar beam from irradiating the pyranometer mounted on it from sunrise to sunset. The pyranometer should be mounted on the Shadow Ring goniometer so that the pyranometer cable gland and signal cable are oriented pointing north upon installation (i.e., assuming installation in the northern hemisphere). For installation in the southern hemisphere, the pyranometer should be mounted with the pyranometer cable gland and signal cable oriented pointing south. The mounting base of the Shadow Ring must be installed parallel and level with the ground below. The leveling base adjustment screws and the spirit level allow for easy and accurate leveling.
Sliding Bar Tilt Adjustment