PG01... Pyrgeometer


Key Highlights

    *The PG01 Pyrgeometer is a vital tool for researchers and professionals in atmospheric science and environmental monitoring. *Measurand: Long-wave infrared radiation (4-50 µm) *Sensor Type: Thermopile-based pyrgeometer *Signal Output: Analog output for integration with data loggers and monitoring systems *Supplied With: Mounting hardware for easy installation User manual for setup and operation Calibration certificate for accuracy assurance

Category: Pyrgeometer

The PG01 Pyrgeometer is a high-precision instrument designed for measuring long-wave infrared radiation (LWIR) in the 4-50 µm wavelength range. This sensor is essential for various applications in meteorology, climate research, and environmental monitoring, providing valuable data on terrestrial radiation.

The Middleton Solar PG01 Pyrgeometer is for measuring long wave radiation emitted by the atmosphere (downwelling) or the Earth surface (upwelling). It uses a passive thermoelectric sensor shielded by a flat silicon window. The window is coated to exclude radiation below 4.5 µm. The PG01 is sealed and fully weatherproof.

The PG01 Pyrgeometer is a precision instrument designed to measure long-wave infrared radiation (LWIR) in the 4-50 µm wavelength range. It is an essential tool for applications in meteorology, climate research, and environmental monitoring, offering critical insights into terrestrial radiation and energy balance.

The PG01 Pyrgeometer is ideal for researchers and professionals seeking accurate measurements of infrared radiation, contributing valuable data for climate models, ecological studies, and atmospheric research. Whether used in a research setting or for environmental monitoring, this pyrgeometer provides reliable and actionable insights into long-wave radiation dynamics.


*Meteorological Studies: *Climate Research *Environmental Monitoring


*Wide Spectral Range: *High Sensitivity *Robust Construction *Low Power Consumption *User-Friendly Interface

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