Module Temperature Sensor

Model: MT-1000 Make: Schelt Technology

Key Highlights

    *Sensor is used for measuring the back panel temperature of a Solar PV module. *Measurand : Surface Temperature. *Signal Output : Pt1000. *Supplied With : Length: 2 m cable , Calibration Certificate.

Category: Module Temp

MT-1000 is designed & produced as professional and intelligent measuring sensors with a digital or analog signal output interface environmental and industrial applications such as PV plants.A precise PT1000 is placed inside an aluminium body and cable is sealed properly. The Module Temperature Sensor specially designed according to the requirements of (IEC 61724-1:2021 Annex B) PV plant monitoring systems.


*Solar PV Plant *Agriculture


*High Sensitivity *Low Power Consumption *Suitable for Harsh Environmental *Comply IEC 61724-1:2021 Annex B.

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