MeteoWind®2-Wind Sensor

Model: MeteoWind® 2 Make: Barani design

Key Highlights

    * Anemometer with a wind vane. Exceeds WMO and MEASNET Class 1 accuracy standards for meteorology & wind resource assessment. * Measurand : Wind Speed , Wind Direction * Sensor Type : Cup anemometer for wind speed, Vane for wind direction. * Signal Output: RS-485 with Modbus RTU & ASCII * Supplied With: 5m Cable, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Wind Speed & Direction

A wind vane-equipped anemometer surpasses Class 1 accuracy requirements for meteorology and wind resource assessment set out by the WMO and MEASNET. With inbuilt triple-layer lightning and surge protection for dependable operation, the overall power consumption is exceptionally low (4 mA). It has been demonstrated that protected oversize bearings with excellent weather and dirt resistance may offer long-term measurement stability and dependability in soiled and dusty situations.


* Wind energy assessment * Weather stations (AWOS) * Industrial & dispersion monitoring * Road weather stations * Airport and Heliport weather monitoring systems * Meteorological stations


* Rugged all-metal anodized aluminum housing and metal wind vane * Tough fiber reinforced cups from FRP material * Oversize ball bearings for long life, dirt resistance and durability * Corrosion resistant anodized aluminum body * Bayonet locking waterproof connector with Silicone O-rings for operation in low -40 °C and high -80 °C temperatures * Versatile sensor communication interface.

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