Laser Weather Sensor

Model: Parsivel² Make: OTT HydroMet

Key Highlights

    *The OTT Parsivel² Laser Weather Sensor offers a range of advanced features that make it highly effective for precise and reliable precipitation measurement. *Measurand: Precipitation Intensity, Drop Size Distribution, Velocity *Sensor Type: Laser Diode-Based *Signal Output: Digital Output (Modbus, SDI-12) *Supplied With: Mounting Kit, Power Supply, User Manual

Category: Disdrometer

OTT Parsivel² is a state-of-the-art laser weather sensor designed for measuring precipitation and providing high-quality weather data. Manufactured by OTT Hydromet, it is known for its precision and reliability in monitoring various atmospheric conditions, particularly rainfall. This device uses advanced laser technology to measure the size, velocity, and drop distribution of raindrops and snowflakes, which allows for accurate assessment of precipitation intensity and type.

The OTT Parsivel² is widely used in various industries such as meteorology, hydrology, agriculture, and environmental monitoring, as it offers real-time data that helps professionals make informed decisions. It is capable of measuring both rainfall and snowfall with high resolution, and it can differentiate between various precipitation types, making it an invaluable tool for detailed weather analysis.


*Meteorology and Weather Forecasting *Hydrology and Flood Management *Environmental Monitoring *Transportation and Aviation *Research and Academia


*High-Precision Precipitation Measurement *Advanced Laser Technology *High Resolution and Sensitivity *Real-Time Data *Wide Range of Applications *Data Logging and Storage *Easy Integration with Other Systems

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