Model: HF-05 | Make: Hukseflux |
Category: Heat Flux Sensor
HF05 measures heat flux through the object on which it is mounted, in W/m2, as well as its surface temperature in °C. The sensors in HF05 are a thermopile and a type K thermocouple.
A thermopile and a thermocouple are passive sensors; they do not require power. The sensors inside HF05 are protected by a fully sealed stainless steel body.
Typical applications of HF05 are studies of fouling in industrial environments mounted on tubing or on the jacket of reactors. HF05 is also used for performance evaluation of industrial insulation. Using HF05 is easy. It can be connected directly to commonly used data logging systems.
The heat flux in W/m2 is calculated by dividing the HF05 output, a small voltage, by the sensitivity. The sensitivity is provided with HF05 on its product certificate.