HD52.3D…Ultrasonic Anemometer

Model: HD52.3D…Series Make: Delta ohm

Key Highlights

    * HD52.3D… are 2 axes ultrasonic static anemometers for measuring: Wind speed and direction, U-V Cartesian components of wind speed, Wind Gust * Measurand : Wind Speed , Wind Direction * Sensor Type: Ultrasonic * Signal Output: Analog outputs for both wind Speed and Wind direction * Supplied With: Cable, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Ultrasonic Anemometer

The instruments of the series HD52.3D… are two-axes ultrasonic static anemometers for measuring: wind speed and direction, U-V Cartesian components of wind speed, Wind Gust—This measurement is only available with the MODBUS-RTU and SDI-12 protocols. Relative humidity and temperature (optional), global solar radiation (optional), barometric pressure (optional), rainfall (optional)

The “Rainfall” and “Global Solar Radiation” options are alternatives (they can not be both present in the same instrument). All models are equipped with a magnetic compass. The average wind speed and direction over a period of up to 10 minutes are calculated. RS232, RS485, RS422, and SDI-12 serial interfaces are available with NMEA, MODBUS-RTU, and SDI-12 communication protocols. All versions have two analog outputs, both for wind speed and for direction, factory configurable among 4÷20mA (standard), 0÷1V, 0÷5V, 0÷10V (to be specified when ordering).

The heater option prevents the accumulation of snow and ice formation, allowing precise measurements in all environmental conditions.
Mounting on ? 40 mm mast. The electric connection is performed through a M23 19-pole connector situated on the bottom of the instrument.
The low power consumption of the instrument allows installation in remote sites, with power supplied by photovoltaic panel and backup battery.
The absence of moving parts minimizes the instrument maintenance.


  • The absence of moving parts minimizes maintenance;
  • High sensitivity for detecting very low speeds, which are not detectable by traditional methods;
  • The low power of the instrument allows installation in remote sites, with power from solar panels and battery;
  • The heating option ‘R’ prevents the accumulation of snow and ice from forming, allowing accurate measurements in all environmental conditions;
  • Fast and easy installation, and alignment facilitated by built-in compass;
  • The available measurement options join together in one single, compact and lightweight instrument, the main variables of interest in weather stations;
  • MODBUS-RTU output allows instrument networking.


? HVAC ? Construction ? Building automation""" modified_text = replace_tick_with_asterisk(original_text) print(modified_text) * Environmental Monitoring * Agriculture * Sports facility * Marine and Harbor applications * Airports * HVAC * Construction * Building automation


* All in one compact and light * High Sensitivity * Made to operate under any condition * Accurate and Reliable System * Great Flexibility * Fast & Easy * Low Power Consumption

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