HD51.3D… – Ultrasonic Anemometer (Technopolymer)

Model: HD51.3HD51.3D..(tech Make: Delta ohm

Key Highlights

    * 2-axis ultrasonic static anemometer. Measurement of wind speed and direction, U-V Cartesian components of wind speed, Wind Gust and baro-metric pressure. * Measurand : Wind speed and direction, U-V Cartesian components of wind speed, Wind Gust and baro-metric pressure. * Sensor Type : Ultrasonic. * Signal Output: RS232, RS485, and RS422 serial outputs, Analog (4÷20 mA , 0…1 V, 0…5 V or 0…10 V) * Supplied With: Cable, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates

Category: Ultrasonic Anemometer

HD51.3D… is a series of high-performance two-axis static ultrasonic anemometers for accurate measurements in all environmental conditions.

Available in different combinations for the measurement of Wind speed (up to 85 m/s), Wind direction, Cartesian U-V components of wind speed, Wind Gust, relative humidity and temperature (optional), global solar radiation (optional), and atmospheric pressure (optional).

This model is equipped with an upgraded heater, for quick defrosting, and an anodized aluminum alloy case with an anti-corrosion coating that makes it possible to use the instrument even in particularly aggressive environments. The anemometer meets the requirements of MIL-STD-810G Method 509.6 (salt spray corrosion test). High immunity to electromagnetic interference makes it suitable for measurements in electrically noisy environments.

All models have RS232, RS485, and RS422 serial outputs. NMEA, MODBUS-RTU, and proprietary ASCII communication protocols. Two analog outputs for wind speed and wind direction, factory configurable as 4÷20 mA (standard), 0…1 V, 0…5 V, or 0…10 V.

Operating temperature -40…+70 °C. Instrument power supply 12…30 Vdc. Heater power supply 24 Vdc. Software HD52.3D-S, for instrument configuration and monitor, is downloadable here.

Mounting on ? 40 mm mast. The optional function of detecting the orientation (compass) and tilt angles allows the spatial orientation of the instrument to be determined at any time, allowing installation on mobile vehicles (for example boats) or, in the case of fixed installations, the automatic correction of both a possible misalignment with respect to the vertical axis and an imperfect orientation of the instrument towards the North.
The high immunity to electromagnetic disturbances makes the anemometer suitable for measurements in electrically noisy environments (e.g., industrial environments, wind farms, etc.). All instrument sensors are factory-calibrated and do not require additional interventions of the user (field calibration is not required). The absence of moving parts minimizes the instrument maintenance.


* Monitoring wind farms * Remote weather stations * Buildings, constructions, and bridges. * Ports, airports, and heliports * Road and railway tunnels


* 2-axis ultrasonic static anemometers * RS232, RS485 and RS422 isolated serial outputs with NMEA and MODBUS-RTU standard protocols and ASCII proprietary protocol. * Mounting on ± 40 mm mast * High immunity to electromagnetic disturbances * All instrument sensors are factory-calibrated * The absence of moving parts minimizes the instrument maintenance.

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