Model: HD33M.2 – GSM/GPRS | Make: Delta Ohm |
Category: Data Logger
The HD33[L]M.2 data logger allows several physical quantities to be monitored in a large variety of application fields:
• Temperature
• Relative humidity
• Atmospheric pressure
• Solar radiation
• Rainfall quantity
• Wind speed and direction
It has 5 inputs:
• One input for relative humidity and temperature with NTC sensor combined probe or, alternatively, for temperature only probe with NTC sensor.
• One input for pyranometer.
• One input for rain gauge.
• One input for cup anemometer.
• One input for wind direction vane.
It detects the atmospheric pressure by means of an optional internal sensor. If a relative humidity and temperature probe is connected, the dew point temperature is calculated.
The HD33M.2 data logger has an integrated GSM/GPRS module. It has five inputs that make it simple to monitor (and/or) temperature, humidity, solar radiation, rainfall quantity, wind speed, and direction (via a cup anemometer). Optional atmospheric pressure can be integrated into the unit. The instrument can simply be integrated with any FTP or cloud solution.
Data logger: