HD2302.0 LLM-Basic Kit Lux Sensor

Model: HD2302.0 Make: Delta Ohm

Key Highlights

    The HD2302.0 LLM-Basic Kit Lux Sensor is a versatile tool for measuring and analyzing light intensity with accuracy and ease. *Measurand: Measures the intensity of light in lux (lx) *Sensor Type: Photodiode/Phototransistor-Based Sensor *Signal Output: Data transfer via USB, Bluetooth, or other interfaces. *Supplied With: Batteries, carrying Case, Calibration Certificate, Calibration Tool.

Category: Lux Sensor

The HD2302.0 LLM-Basic Kit is a lux sensor designed for measuring light levels, typically in environments where accurate illumination measurements are required.

The HD2302.0 LLM-Basic Kit is a versatile light measurement system used for assessing illumination levels. It is commonly employed in applications where precise light intensity measurements are necessary, such as in environmental studies, lighting design, and quality control.



*Indoor and Outdoor Lighting Assessments *Photography and Videography *improve worker productivity *Architectural Lighting Design


*Accurate Light Measurement *Sensor Specifications *User-Friendly Interface *Data Logging and Storage *Portability and Durability

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