HD2013.2 – Precipitation Detector

Model: HD2013.2 Make: Delta Ohm

Key Highlights

    *The HD2013.2 Precipitation Detector is likely a specialized meteorological instrument designed to measure and detect precipitation events (such as rain or snow). *Measurand: Precipitation *Sensor Type: Tipping bucket mechanism *Signal Output: Pulse output (digital) *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, cable, manual

Category: Precipitation Sensor

The HD2013.2 Precipitation Detector is most likely a robust and accurate instrument designed to monitor and measure precipitation in various environments. It plays a critical role in meteorological, hydrological, agricultural, and environmental monitoring by providing real-time data on rainfall or snow events.

A precipitation detector is an instrument used to measure the amount and intensity of precipitation in a given area. Precipitation refers to any form of water that falls from the atmosphere, including rain, snow, sleet, or hail. These detectors are commonly used in weather stations, agricultural systems, hydrology, and environmental monitoring to track rainfall patterns and water levels.



*Weather Monitoring *Hydrological Studies *Climate Research *Infrastructure Monitoring


*Rain Gauge Technology *High Sensitivity *Real-time Data Output *Automatic Data Logging *Low Power Consumption

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