EE071 Humidity and Temperature Probe

Model: EE071 Make: ELEKTRONIK

Key Highlights

    *The EE071 is a digital humidity and temperature probe designed for precise environmental monitoring *Measurand: Humidity (% RH) Temperature (°C or °F) *Sensor Type: Capacitive humidity sensor *Signal Output: Modbus RTU over RS-485 interface, *Supplied With: Possibly cables or connectors

Category: Temperature Sensor

EE071 is optimized for use in demanding OEM applications. In addition to the precise measurement of humidity (RH) and temperature (T), the EE071 calculates physical quantities such as dew point temperature, mixing ratio and absolute humidity. All measured and calculated values are available on the RS-485 interface with Modbus RTU protocol. The RH and T sensor HCT01 is perfectly protected against dust and dirt by the E+E proprietary coating. 

Furthermore, all solder pads are sealed against corrosion. With the appropriate filter cap the EE071 offers outstanding long term stability even in harsh environment. The compact design with M12 connector allows for easy installation and fast replacement of the probe. With the optional Modbus configuration adapter the user can perform RH and T adjustment and set the Modbus parameters. 

Outdoor applications EE071 must be used with the optional radiation shield HA010502, which protects the device against rain, snow, ice and solar radiation.


*Process and climate technology *Agriculture, stables *Incubators, hatchers *Outdoor measurement *Storage rooms, cooling chambers


*Highest accuracy *Excellent protection against pollution *Outstanding long term stability *Temperature compensation *Low power consumption *Calculated physical quantities

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