DR20-A1 Pyrheliometer

Model: DR20-A1 Make: Hukseflux

Key Highlights

    *DR20-A1 is a high-accuracy direct (normal incidence) solar radiation sensor, or pyrheliometer. *Measurand: Direct solar radiation (incident radiation) *Sensor Type: Thermopile-based pyrheliometer *Signal Output: Analog signal (voltage output) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, cables, and user manual

Category: Pyrheliometer

The DR30-D1 Pyrheliometer is widely used in various fields to measure Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), which is the amount of solar radiation received directly from the sun's rays. Below are some of the primary applications of the DR30-D1 Pyrheliomete.

The DR30-D1 Pyrheliometer is a versatile and critical tool for applications in solar energy, meteorological research, agriculture, environmental monitoring, and urban planning. It provides accurate measurements of direct solar radiation, which are essential for optimizing solar energy production, understanding climate dynamics, and studying the effects of sunlight on various natural and artificial systems.

The DR30-D1 Pyrheliometer is an advanced instrument used for measuring Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), which refers to the amount of solar radiation received directly from the sun's rays, measured at a specific location on the Earth's surface. Unlike pyranometers, which measure total solar radiation (direct plus diffuse), the pyrheliometer isolates the direct solar radiation by using a narrow field of view and a sun-tracking system to keep the sensor aimed at the sun.


*Solar Energy Applications *Meteorological Research *Agricultural Studies *Environmental Monitoring *Solar Energy Research *Building and Urban Planning *Energy Forecasting *Calibration of Other Solar Instruments


*Measurement of Direct Solar Irradiance (DNI) *Precision and Accuracy *Sensor Design *Goniometer for Tracking the Sun *Application Areas *Data Logging and Integration

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