CUV5 Total UV Radiometer

Model: CUV5 Make: KippZonen

Key Highlights

    *The CUV5 Total UV Radiometer is a highly accurate and reliable instrument designed for measuring the total UV radiation reaching a surface. *Measurand: Total UV radiation *Sensor Type: Photodiode (UV sensor) *Signal Output: Analog or digital *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, cables, documentation

Category: UV Sensor

CUV5 is a general-purpose instrument measuring the total UV radiation from natural sunlight for applications in meteorology and outdoor material testing.

The high quality dome and diffuser provide optimized directional response. A specially designed optical filter provides sensitivity to combined UVA and UVB irradiance. The photodiode generates a voltage output linearly proportional to the UV intensity. 

Specific parts of the UV spectrum such as UVA, UVB or UVE / UV Index cannot be derived from the CUV5 measurements. For measurement of these individual parameters our specific SUV models are required.

A waterproof plug and socket cable connection facilitates easy installation. The snap-on sun shield protects the connector and allows viewing of the integrated bubble level. The screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and the replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packets. 

CUV5 is compatible with the same accessories as our CMP range of pyranometers.


*UV Radiation Measurement *Health and Safety *Climate Research *Meteorological Stations *Solar Energy


*For monitoring of Total UV irradiance *Good linearity *Good directional response *Reliable under all weather conditions *5 year warranty

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