CHP1 Pyrheliometer

Model: CHP1 Make: KippZonen

Key Highlights

    *The CHP1 pyrheliometer is the most commonly used radiometer for the measurement of direct normal irradiance (DNI) and offers high accuracy and reliability. *Measurand: Direct solar radiation (sunlight) *Sensor Type: Thermopile-based *Signal Output: Analog Voltage *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, user manual

Category: Pyrheliometer

The instrument has a quartz window to cover the total solar spectrum of solar radiation between 200 to 4000 nm.

CHP1 is has a high quality connector for easy installation and maintenance, the screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packs.

 Kipp & Zonen  are supplied pre-fitted with the mountings for a CHP1.

 As standard CHP1 comes fitted with both 10 k? thermistor and Pt-100 and temperature sensors; so that the small temperature dependency of sensitivity can be corrected in post-processing using the supplied test data.

The CHP1 is the perfect choice for high accuracy direct solar irradiance measurements.


*Weather Services and Research *Meteorology *Concentrated Solar Power *Research in Renewable Energy Systems


*ISO 9060 Spectrally Flat Class A *Excellent temperature dependence *Excellent linearity *Excellent long-term stability *5 year warranty

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