Barometric BP-500

Model: BP-500 Make: Meteoxperts

Key Highlights

    *Suitable for outdoor use. *Digital MODBUS RTU *SDI-12 and Analog voltage pressure output. *Provides instantaneous values. *Provides the average values for the interval between readings. *Digital output is user selectable

Category: Barometric Pressure

The Barometric BP-300 is a device designed to measure atmospheric pressure, which can be useful for various applications, including weather forecasting, altitude measurement, and scientific research. Here’s a breakdown of what the Barometric BP-300 typically involves.

Overall, the Barometric BP-300 is a versatile tool for anyone needing precise atmospheric pressure measurements. Whether for professional use or personal interest, understanding how to operate and interpret the data from the BP-300 can provide valuable insights into environmental conditions.



*Weather Stations *Altitude Measurement *Indoor Air Quality Monitoring *Navigation Systems *Consumer Electronics


*Connecting the Sensor *Calibration *Environmental Considerations

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