AT-WS&D - Mini Weather Station


Key Highlights

    *The SEVEN Mini Weather Station is designed specifically for monitoring PV facilities, providing an easy-to-install and durable solution suitable for field conditions. *Measurand: Temperature, Humidity, Wind Speed, Barometric Pressure *Sensor Type: Thermistor, Capacitive, Anemometer, Barometer *Signal Output: Analog (e.g., 0-10V, 4-20mA) or Digital (e.g., Modbus, RS-485) *Supplied With: Mounting hardware, user manual, cables, display unit

Category: Compact Weather Sensor

The AT-WS&D Mini Weather Station is a compact, integrated weather monitoring system designed for a variety of applications, ranging from personal use and education to industrial and agricultural monitoring. It is a lightweight and efficient device that tracks key meteorological parameters, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and atmospheric pressure, in real-time.

The AT-WS&D Mini Weather Station is a versatile and compact solution for accurate weather monitoring. Whether used for personal weather tracking, agricultural optimization, environmental monitoring, or educational purposes, this mini weather station provides essential real-time data on key meteorological parameters. Its ease of use, data logging capabilities, and wireless communication options make it an excellent tool for both casual users and professionals in various fields.


*Home Weather Monitoring *Agriculture *Outdoor Activities *Environmental Research *Smart Cities *Small-Scale Commercial Use: *School Projects & Education


*Multiple Sensors *Compact Design *Real-Time Monitoring *Analog and Digital Outputs *Low Power Consumption* *Weatherproof Enclosure *User-Friendly Interface *Cost-Effective *Easy Setup *Scalability

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