ASI-16 All Sky Imager

Model: ASI-16 All Sky Image Make: Eko

Key Highlights

    * The ASI-16 is used for measurement of cloud cover, sky temperature and cloud parameter measurement. * Measurand : Cloud cover, Sky temperature * Senson Type : 5MP CMOS Camera with 180 field view * Signal Output : LAN Interface * Supplied With : Ventilator and heater unit, 15m Cable, Factory test/Calibration certificates * Additional Accessories : External TRH sensor, Find Cloud software (Trinity)

Category: All Sky Imager

The ASI-16 All Sky Imager is an automatic full sky camera system with a 180° field of view. It provides high-resolution images, both as pre-scheduled network stored JPGs and as a video live stream. The ASI-16 can take clear full hemispheric pictures of the sky, even under full sunlight conditions.
The 5MP camera developed by Schreder CMS is provided by EKO world-wide. The standard camera features an integrated ventilator and heater system to operate under most severe weather circumstances.
With the optional Find Clouds software, cloud coverage and cloud classification can be analyzed for photovoltaic evaluation applications. Cloud base height can be measured with two ASI-16 cameras and the optional Cloud Base Height (CBH) software. The CBH software allows for the evaluation of cloud height in real time. A stereoscopic method is applied to process time synchronized images of two sky imagers and the local data (latitude, longitude, and elevation)

The ASI-16 All Sky Imager is a 180° field-of-view automated camera system that employs a 5MP camera and “fisheye” lens with an anti-reflective, airflow-protected quartz dome.

The ASI-16 is one of the most dependable all-sky cameras available, with an integrated blower and heater system, dual side surge protection, and a broad working temperature range, among other characteristics.

The ASI-16 All Sky Imager, developed by CMS-Schrader, is recommended and supplied globally by EKO for remote sensing, weather and cloud observations, atmospheric research, supervisory systems, aircraft-based observation systems, and other applications.

With cloud base height (CBH) and cloud motion functions, the system may be utilized for cloud coverage and cloud-type analysis. It provides high-resolution HDR photos of the sky and clouds in the form of pre-scheduled, network-stored JPGs and a live video feed. It’s also a strong cloud detector and can take crisp, full-hemispheric photographs of the sky during the day, even in direct sunshine.

The ASI-16 contains a dedicated sensor interface for connecting temperature, humidity, and optional pyranometer sensors.


* Remote sensing * Weather and cloud observations * Atmospheric research * Supervision systems * Aircraft-based observation systems


* Integrated Ventilator & Heater * Onboard Data Acquisition Unit * External Temperature & Relative Humidity Sensor * 5MP Fisheye Camera with 180° field of view * Real-time video & picture stream, up to 2-10 f/sec * Cloud Base Height (CBH) & Cloud Motion Functions

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