Ambient Temperature Sensor-PT1000 with 0-10V Output

Model: 3S-AT-PT1000-U Make: SEVEN SENSOR

Key Highlights

    *Ambient Temperature Sensor measures the air temperature in the environment where the PVs are placed in degrees Celsius (°C) by using a PT1000 probe. *Measurand: Temperature *Sensor Type: RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) *Signal Output: 0-10 V (Analog Voltage) *Supplied With: Wiring/Leads, Mounting Hardware, User Manual, Calibration Certificate

Category: Temperature Sensor

The PT1000 Ambient Temperature Sensor with 0-10V Output is a high-precision temperature sensor designed to measure ambient temperature and provide an analog voltage output proportional to the temperature. This sensor utilizes a platinum resistance temperature detector (RTD) element, specifically a PT1000, which is known for its high accuracy and stability over a wide temperature range. The sensor is commonly used in industrial, environmental, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) applications where precise temperature monitoring is critical.

The PT1000 Ambient Temperature Sensor with 0-10V Output is a precise, reliable, and easy-to-integrate solution for measuring ambient temperatures in a wide range of industrial, environmental, and building automation applications. Its 0-10V analog voltage output provides a straightforward, linear signal that can be easily interpreted by control systems, making it ideal for systems that require continuous, real-time temperature monitoring.


*Industrial Temperature Monitoring *HVAC Systems *Environmental Monitoring *Building Automation Systems *Process Control *Data Logging


*High Accuracy *Wide Temperature Range *0-10V Output *Long-Distance Signal Transmission *Noise Resistance *Simple Integration

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