200SS-5 Watermark Soil Moisture

Model: 200SS WATERMARK Make: Irrometer

Key Highlights

    * The patented WATERMARK sensor is a solid-state electrical resistance sensing device that is used to measure soil water tension. * Measurand : Soil moisture * Sensor Type : Resistive Sensor * Supplied With : Standard cable 1.5m, Warranty: One year, Factory test/ Calibration Certificates.

Category: Soil Moisture

The 200SS-5 Watermark Soil Moisture sensor is a tool used to measure the volumetric water content of soil. It utilizes the principle of time domain reflectometry (TDR) to determine the water content of soil. The sensor consists of two stainless steel electrodes that are inserted into the soil at a specific depth, and an electronic circuit that sends an electrical pulse between the electrodes. The time it takes for the pulse to travel through the soil and return to the circuit is used to calculate the water content of the soil.

One of the key advantages of the 200SS-5 Watermark sensor is its ability to measure a wide range of soil water contents, from extremely dry to saturated conditions. This is made possible by the use of a patented “Dual-Depth” sensing technology which offers two separate sensor depths, allowing the measurement at different depths.

The sensor can be used in a variety of applications, including agricultural irrigation management, water resource management, turfgrass management, and greenhouse crop management. In agricultural irrigation management, for example, the sensor can be used to determine when irrigation is needed, and to monitor the effectiveness of irrigation systems. In water resource management, the sensor can be used to monitor soil moisture in watersheds to help predict runoff and to manage water resources. In turfgrass management, the sensor can be used to optimize irrigation and fertilizer management, leading to healthier and more sustainable turf.

The sensor is easy to install and use, and it is designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions. It is constructed with stainless steel electrodes and a durable housing, making it resistant to corrosion, and it can be used in both sandy and clay soils. Data can be easily accessed via a variety of data loggers and telemetry systems, allowing for remote monitoring and data analysis.

In conclusion, The 200SS-5 Watermark Soil Moisture sensor is a versatile tool that can be used in a variety of applications to measure and monitor soil moisture. The ability to measure a wide range of soil water contents, and its patented “Dual-Depth” sensing technology make it a valuable tool in irrigation management, water resource management, turfgrass management, and greenhouse crop management.

In use since 1978, the patented WATERMARK sensor is an electrical sensing device that is buried in the active root zone to measure soil water tension. The sensor consists of corrosion-resistant electrodes embedded within a specialized granular matrix. Water in the soil exchanges with the sensor matrix, providing a measurement of centibars (or kPa) of soil water tension equivalent to the readings from an SR or LT tensiometer.

The watermark is designed to be a permanent sensor, left in the soil to be read by logging devices or handheld readers. We offer our own reading solutions, but the sensor is also widely used by industry partners in their own applications.


* Irrigation Scheduling * Water Table Monitoring * Leak Detection * Agronomy Research * Environmental Monitoring


* Proven stable calibration * Range of measurement from 0 to 239 cb (kPa) * Fully solid-state * Will not dissolve in soil * Not affected by freezing temperatures * Internally compensated for commonly found salinity levels * Inexpensive, easy to install and use * Compatible with AC or DC reading devices (specialized circuit required) * NO maintenance required

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