SWS-050 Visibility Sensor

Model: SWS-050 Make: BIRAL

Key Highlights

    *The SWS-050 visibility sensor is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required. *Measurand: Visibility (distance) *Sensor Type: Forward-scattering optical *Signal Output: Analog (4-20 mA) / Digital (RS-485, Modbus) *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, power supply, user manual

Category: Visibility Sensors

The SWS-050 visibility sensor is optimised for use in applications where accurate and reliable visibility measurements are required. The forward scatter measurement principle and compact design ensure the output is both accurate and reliable in all weather conditions. The inclusion of hood heating and advanced self-test features as standard makes the SWS-050 Biral’s most cost-effective solution for visibility measurement.

The SWS-050 is a very capable well specified general purpose visibility sensor that is used in a wide variety of applications and operating environments. With the same accuracy and reliability as other members of the SWS sensor series the ICAO 9328 compliant design and seamless integration with the ALS-2 Ambient Light Sensor allow the SWS-050 to be used for both general visibility monitoring and as part of instrumented RVR systems.


*Meteorological Stations *Aviation (Airports) *Road Traffic Management *Environmental Monitoring


*10m to 40km measurement range *Compact forward scatter design *Hood heating for use in extreme environments *Window heating and contamination monitoring *Easy integration of Biral ALS-2 Ambient Light Sensor *Comprehensive self-test capabilities *Serial data output (RS232, RS422 or RS485)

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