SR15-D2A2 pyranometer

Model: SR15-D2A2 Make: HukseFlux

Key Highlights

    *SR15 digital pyranometer series is an all-digital range of solar radiation sensors applied in general high-accuracy observations. *Measurand: Solar radiation *Sensor Type: Thermopile sensor *Signal Output: Analog output (4-20mA) *Supplied With: Mounting bracket, cables

Category: Pyranometer

Calibration of SR15 pyranometer has been improved; our latest calibration method results in an uncertainty of the sensitivity of 1.8 %, compared to typical uncertainties of higher than 2.8 % for this pyranometer class. SR15’s response time is < 10 s, a significant improvement relative to earlier sensors and competitors.

WMO has approved the “pyranometric method” to calculate sunshine duration from pyranometer measurements in WMO-No. 8, Guide to Meteorological Instruments and Methods of Observation. This implies that SR15 may be used, in combination with appropriate software,
to estimate sunshine duration. This is much more cost-effective than using a dedicated sunshine.


*PV system performance monitoring *General solar resource monitoring *Indoor simulated solar testing *Meteorological networks


*High Accuracy and Precision *Wide Measurement Range *Thermopile Sensor Technology *Low Temperature Sensitivity *Weatherproof and Durable

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